Na6ZnSn2, Na4.24K1.76(1) ZnSn2, and Na20Zn8Sn11: Three intermetallic structures containing the linear {Sn-Zn-Sn}6Unit

Sung Jin Kim, Florian Kraus, Thomas F. Fassler

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

21 Zitate (Scopus)


The novel intermetallic compounds Na6ZnSn2 (1), Na4.24K1.76(1)ZnSn2(2), and Na 20Zn8Sn11 (3) were obtained from direct fusion of the pure elements, and their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. All three compounds adopt new structure types and contain linear anionic {Sn-Zn-Sn}5- units with rather short Zn-Sn contacts (2.55-2.58 Å), separated by alkali metal counterions. Compound 3 comprises layers of interconnected heteroatomic {Zn7Sn5} icosahedra as an additional unique structural motif. The bonding situation in this 16 valence-electron anion is analyzed by quantum chemical methods. The results of NBO, AIM, and ELF calculations (Gaussian03 on HF/3-21G level) reveal covalent bonding between Sn and Zn. The relationship to isovalent C02 is discussed. Band structure calculations on the density functional theory level (LMTO) show that 1 can be understood as a Zintl phase containing a {Sn-Zn-Sn}6- anion; however, Na-Sn contacts must also be considered. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show a temperature-independent, weak diamagnetism for Na6ZnSn2 (1).

Seiten (von - bis)1469-1478
FachzeitschriftJournal of the American Chemical Society
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 4 Feb. 2009


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