Mono- and dinuclear gold(I) thio- and selenocyanate complexes

Daniel Schneider, Stefan Nogai, Annette Schier, Hubert Schmidbaur

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Complexes of the type (R3P)AuSCN and (R3P)AuSeCN have been prepared in high yields from the corresponding chlorides (R3P)AuCl by treatment with KSCN or KSeCN, respectively, in a two-phase water/dichloromethane system. Crystal structure determinations revealed discrete monomeric molecules for the isomorphous thiocyanate and selenocyanate compounds with R=2-MeC6H4. For R=iPro there is only weak association into dimers via long Au-S contacts, but for R3=Me2PhP chain-like polymers are formed via short aurophilic interactions [Au-Au, 3.2334(2) and 3.2533(2) Å]. A monoclinic modification of (Ph3P)AuSCN was found, which shows a standard geometry of the molecules. An orthorhombic modification published previously featured a doubtful strongly distorted molecular geometry. All compounds of the type (R3P)AuS/SeCN can be converted into salts with dinuclear cations {[(R3P)Au]2S/SeCN}+Y- on reaction with equimolar quantities of [(R3P)Au]+Y- (Y=BF4, SbF6) as confirmed by analytical and spectroscopic data. The S/SeCN units are found to be bridging the two metal atoms via the S/Se atoms. The tetrafluoroborates are less stable than the hexafluoroantimonates, and all selenocyanate complexes are markedly less stable thermally and more sensitive towards air and moisture than their sulfur counterparts.

Seiten (von - bis)179-187
FachzeitschriftInorganica Chimica Acta
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 6 Aug. 2003


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