Models and methods for probabilistic safety assessment of steel structures subject to fatigue

Johan Maljaars, John Leander, Alain Nussbaumer, John Daalsgaard Sørensen, Daniel Straub

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


We review of the state of the art in probabilistic modelling for fatigue reliability of civil engineering and offshore structures. The modelling of randomness and uncertainty in fatigue resistance and fatigue load variables are presented in some detail. This is followed by a review of the specifics of reliability analysis for fatigue limit states and a background on the semi-probabilistic treatment of fatigue safety. We discuss the different life-cycle reliability concepts and give an overview on probabilistic inspection planning. We describe the choices made in the Probabilistic Model Code of the Joint Committee of Structural Safety, present alternatives to these choices and suggest areas of future research.

FachzeitschriftStructural Safety
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2024


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