Modeling Vehicle Flocking in Lane-Free Automated Traffic

Majid Rostami-Shahrbabaki, Simone Weikl, Tanja Niels, Klaus Bogenberger

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

10 Zitate (Scopus)


In automated lane-free traffic, vehicles can choose any arbitrary lateral location. This enables vehicle flocking where, compared to platooning, the grouping of vehicles is possible with smaller space gaps, not only longitudinally but also laterally. Vehicle flocking can fulfill several purposes, such as increasing the road capacity, saving energy by reducing the aerodynamic drag force, and dampening shockwaves. Within this paper, we develop a control framework for modeling vehicle flocks in automated lane-free traffic. The proposed control algorithm considers two types of agents: (Formula presented.) -agents representing potential flock mates and a (Formula presented.) -agent representing the virtual leader with collective objectives (e.g., slowing down in the case of traffic congestion ahead). Our algorithm is based on energy functions for flock centering and collision avoidance, a consensus algorithm for velocity matching, and navigational feedback exerted by the virtual leader. The virtual leader’s path, which should be followed by the flock, is defined in an upper-level controller. In addition, a feedback algorithm for dynamic road boundary control is implemented. We simulate the proposed approach with very promising results. We show that vehicle flocks are efficiently formed within a few seconds, speeds are successfully aligned, and vehicle arrangements stay stable under different scenarios. In addition, the lateral and longitudinal flock extension changes with different energy functions and changing road boundaries, and vehicle flocks follow the trajectory of the virtual leader. Most importantly, vehicle flocks stay stable in the case of perturbations and the induced shock is dampened efficiently because of slight changes in the vehicles’ lateral locations.

Seiten (von - bis)499-512
FachzeitschriftTransportation Research Record
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Sept. 2023


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