Mitigation of climate change in health care: A survey for the evaluation of providers’ attitudes and knowledge, and their view on their organization's readiness for change

Titel in Übersetzung: Klimaschutz im Gesundheitswesen: eine Umfrage zu Einstellungen und Wissen von Klinikmitarbeitern und ihren Ansichten über Veränderungsbereitschaft in ihrer Klinik[Formula presented]

Adrian A.W. Baumann, Neal Conway, Claudia Doblinger, Stefanie Steinhauser, Agata Paszko, Ferdinand Lehmann, Gerhard Schneider, Christian M. Schulz, Frederick Schneider

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

12 Zitate (Scopus)


Background: Climate change is the 21st century's greatest threat to health. Anaesthesia is responsible for high levels of waste production, significant greenhouse gas emissions and extensive energy consumption. Our aim was to design an instrument to assess attitudes and knowledge among anaesthetists as well as their organisation's readiness for change regarding climate action. Methods: In 2020, the Provider Education and Evaluation Project (PEEP) questionnaire was sent to anaesthetists working at a university hospital, which contains 65 items in five areas: demographics, personal attitudes, organisational readiness, opportunities, and specific anaesthesiologic knowledge regarding climate action. Except for two open text questions, all questions were closed questions. Results: 104 anaesthetists responded to the survey (response rate 62%). Environmental protection and sustainability were important to all participants (100%). Most felt threatened by the ongoing climate crisis (94.2%). While most participants agreed that their employer had the financial or technological capacities and that sustainability targets were compatible with core business activities (approval >60% for all), they felt unprepared and stated that they had too little time to consider environmental aspects during daily routines (disapproval >60% for all). Furthermore, knowledge on topics such as ongoing efforts to tackle climate change or the climate footprint of drugs and medical products, was rather scarce. Conclusion: The PEEP questionnaire is an applicable and viable tool to assess anaesthetists’ knowledge and attitudes towards climate change and organisational readiness for change. While participants care about the climate crisis, organisational readiness was low, especially when it comes to staff readiness (i.e., skills and knowledge) and cultural readiness (i.e., shared values). These aspects need to be considered in order to successfully implement a carbon neutral health care system.

Titel in ÜbersetzungKlimaschutz im Gesundheitswesen: eine Umfrage zu Einstellungen und Wissen von Klinikmitarbeitern und ihren Ansichten über Veränderungsbereitschaft in ihrer Klinik[Formula presented]
Seiten (von - bis)108-115
FachzeitschriftZeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Sept. 2022


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