Methodik zur Bestimmung des optimalen Zeitpunkts von Retrofit-Maßnahmen für intralogistische Anlagen

Josef Xu

Publikation: Arbeitspapier


Storage and retrieval machines are used for the automatic storage and retrieval of different goods in both high-bay warehouses and automatic small parts warehouses and therefore play a major role in the automation of intralogistics. These intralogistics systems are associated with high investment costs, which is why system operators are interested in achieving the longest possible service life at low operating costs. Despite regular maintenance measures, major retrofits are necessary after some time due ti decreasing availability of spare parts or qualified service personnel for certain components. Plant operators often lack the experience to assess the many influencing variables that have to be taken into account when evaluating the urgency of a retrofit. Similarly, the positive effects of modernization are not explicitly visible. For this reason, the high costs of retrofits often act as a deterrent, which is why important modernizations are generally initiated too late in industrial practice. As a consequence, this leads to outdated plants with rising operating costs and greater risks of failure. Such factors lower the economic viability of the plant, which can cause financial difficulties for smaller companies in particular. Against this background, the aim of the OptiFit research project was to optimize the framework conditions for retrofit processes and, in particular, to enable system operators to initiate future modernizations in good time. The latter were to be provided with basic knowledge in order to counteract the lack of experience and knowledge with regard to retrofits and to increase awareness of the costs and benefits of modernization. For this reason, the current status of modernization projects for storage and retrieval systems was first analyzed by means of expert interviews in order to identify common challenges and hurdles in practice for system operators and retrofit providers. In a further step, the knowledge content relevant for retrofitting was developed in an intensive exchange with retrofit experts. The entire content was divided into different topic blocks and then converted into the form of a guide. Finally, the contents of the retrofit guide were evaluated by experts and potential users with regard to neutrality, comprehensibility and application orientation. The project objectives were archieved
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2022
Extern publiziertJa


  • Modernisierung
  • Retrofit
  • Intralogistik
  • Regalbediengerät

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