Möglichkeiten der erzeugung städtischer oberflächenmodelle mit interferometrischer sar-fernerkundung

Michael Schmitt, Uwe Stilla

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


In recent years, the demand for the provision of two-and three-dimensional geodata for geoinformation systems (GIS) has constantly grown. On the one hand, this impacts the first-time acquisition of raster or vector data, on the other hand, it means a permanent updating of the data basis. In particular, this holds for high-dynamic areas, such as the ever-changing urban areas of our planet. SAR interferometry has been used to derive three-dimensional topographic information of the Earth's surface independently of cloud coverage or daytime for many years. This has made it a valuable tool for rapid geodata acquisition, especially in time-critical scenarios such as rapid mapping of disaster situations. Particularly in urban areas, where typically many elevated objects (e. g. buildings or trees) are present, the side-looking SAR imaging geometry, however, leads to disturbing effects that prevent the generation of 3D information by conventional means and that cause inaccuracies, errors and data gaps during the reconstruction of urban topography. With the goal in mind to eliminate these disadvantages innovative InSAR processing strategies are proposed in this paper, which enable a comprehensive reconstruction of urban surface models by airborne interferometric SAR remote sensing with accuracies down to the submeter range.

Titel in ÜbersetzungPossibilities for the generation of urban surface models by interferometric sar remote sensing
Seiten (von - bis)62-70
FachzeitschriftGIS-Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2015


  • 3D point clouds
  • DSM
  • Geodata acquisition
  • InSAR
  • SAR
  • Urban areas


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