Local Hydrogen Bonding Determines Branching Pathways in Intermolecular Heptazine Photochemistry

Doyk Hwang, Liam M. Wrigley, Micah Lee, Andrzej L. Sobolewski, Wolfgang Domcke, Cody W. Schlenker

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6 Zitate (Scopus)


Heptazine is the molecular core of the widely studied photocatalyst carbon nitride. By analyzing the excited-state intermolecular proton-coupled electron-transfer (PCET) reaction between a heptazine derivative and a hydrogen-atom donor substrate, we are able to spectroscopically identify the resultant heptazinyl reactive radical species on a picosecond time scale. We provide detailed spectroscopic characterization of the tri-anisole heptazine:4-methoxyphenol hydrogen-bonded intermolecular complex (TAHz:MeOPhOH), using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and global analysis, to reveal distinct product absorption signatures at ∼520, 1250, and 1600 nm. We assign these product peaks to the hydrogenated TAHz radical (TAHzH) based on control experiments utilizing 1,4-dimethoxybenzene (DMB), which initiates electron transfer without concomitant proton transfer, i.e., no excited-state PCET. Additional control experiments with radical quenchers, protonation agents, and UV-vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry also corroborate our product peak assignments. These spectral assignments allowed us to monitor the influence of the local hydrogen-bonding environment on the resulting evolution of photochemical products from excited-state PCET of heptazines. We observe that the preassociation of heptazine with the substrate in solution is extremely sensitive to the hydrogen-bond-accepting character of the solvent. This sensitivity directly influences which product signatures we detect with time-resolved spectroscopy. The spectral signature of the TAHzH radical assigned in this work will facilitate future in-depth analysis of heptazine and carbon nitride photochemistry. Our results may also be utilized for designing improved PCET-based photochemical systems that will require precise control over local molecular environments. Examples include applications such as preparative synthesis involving organic photoredox catalysis, on-site solar water purification, as well as photocatalytic water splitting and artificial photosynthesis.

Seiten (von - bis)6703-6713
FachzeitschriftJournal of Physical Chemistry B
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 3 Aug. 2023


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