Lehramtsstudium in Deutschland: Wie groß ist die strukturelle Vielfalt?

Johannes Bauer, Uta Diercks, Lena Rösler, Jens Möller, Manfred Prenzel

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

31 Zitate (Scopus)


German Teacher Education is currently characterized by a great variety of programs of study. Since the Bologna Declaration of 1999, traditional state examination programs have successively been replaced by various forms of modularized or consecutive programs. This article describes these study programs and assesses the heterogeneity among them. For this purpose, we collected portfolios of documents related to teacher education programs from twelve German universities that prepare students for teaching in the academic track. Content analysis was used to determine and compare the respec-tive study structures with a specific focus on the relative amounts of credit points (CP) devoted to academic subjects, subject education, educational studies, and practical studies over the programs. The results corroborate the hypothesis that the study structures of current teacher education programs are largely heterogeneous. Particularly, we found that programs differ regarding their focus on academic subjects versus profession-oriented studies and their ranges of required studies in subject education (6-25 CP) and internships (6-38 CP).

Titel in ÜbersetzungTeacher education in Germany: How heterogeneous are study programs?
Seiten (von - bis)101-120
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2012


  • Bologna Process
  • Higher Education
  • Portfolio Method
  • Teacher Education


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