Kriterienkatalog zur Beurteilung psychodiagnostischer Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumente - Empfehlung des Deutschen Kollegiums für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM)

Heide Glaesmer, Thomas Forkmann, Andreas Dinkel, Inka Wahl, Heribert Sattel, Dorothea Huber, Lena Spangenberg, Sven Rabung, Sylke Andreas, Karin Tritt, Gabriele Helga Franke, Matthias Rose, Bernd Löwe

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsartikelBegutachtung

4 Zitate (Scopus)


Objectives: Psychometric instruments are commonly applied in psychotherapeutic research and care for the baseline assessment of symptoms, the planning of therapeutic interventions, the assessment of the longitudinal course of symptoms and outcomes of therapeutic interventions as well as quality management of care. Psychometric properties as well as economic aspects should be considered in the selection of specific instruments. It is assumed that users of psychometric instruments face a great variety of instruments and related information. For that reason, it seems challenging to absorb the current knowledge and to integrate it into clinical practice and research. Thus, it is likely that well-known, established and easily accessible instruments are commonly used, while new developed instruments might not be disseminated in research and healthcare. Methods: Based on available international review models, the working group Psychometrics and Psychodiagnostics of the German College of Psychosomatic Medicine (DKPM) has developed and tested a review model specifically tailored for psychotherapeutic research and care. Results: The different steps of development, as well as the final review model based on the consensus of the working group are presented. The review model contains 6 generic terms (reliability, validity, objectivity, reference groups and aspects of application) with 21 different criteria to be assessed with 0-3 asterisks (∗). The criteria are clearly operationalized and the practical use of the review model is explained and discussed. Conclusions: With the review model for the assessment of psychometric instruments a well-defined evaluation system is made available for research and clinical practice which has been developed by an expert group. The review model facilitates systematic, transparent and comparative evaluation of psychometric instruments along clearly defined criteria. It also supports the selection of psychometric instruments in research and care. Next, the working group aims at disseminating and implementing the review model as well as the application and publication of reviews for different psychometric instruments based on the review model.

Titel in ÜbersetzungReview Model for the Assessment of Psychometric Instruments - Recommendations of the German College of Psychosomatic Medicine (DKPM)
Seiten (von - bis)246-254
FachzeitschriftPPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juli 2015


  • catalogue
  • evaluation
  • instruments
  • psychdiagnostics
  • psychometric properties


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