Investigations of the seed protein content of several pea genotypes grown in two different years

H. D. Quednau, G. Wolff

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Seventeen X-ray and neutron induced mutants of the commercial variety 'Dippes gelbe Victoria' were analyzed with regard to their seed protein percentage. The interaction of genotypic and year effects in 1975 (normal weather conditions) and 1976 (extremely hot and dry) was also taken into consideration. To avoid undiscoverable environmental bias, the plants were grown in a nonstandard three-dimensional layout. Biometric analysis was done by using the theory of the general linear model with a formula-processing computer program. In the first year, significant genetically caused differences were found in the material. The bifurcated mutant 157A was especially of considerable interest because an improved protein content was combined with relative good yield. In the second year, no significant differences between the mutants were revealed, but all genotypes showed a similar good protein value of about 27%.

Seiten (von - bis)181-190
FachzeitschriftTheoretical and Applied Genetics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juli 1978
Extern publiziertJa


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