Investigation of the decays {Mathematical expression} and {Mathematical expression}

H. Albrecht, H. Ehrlichmann, T. Hamacher, R. P. Hofmann, T. Kirchhoff, A. Nau, S. Nowak, H. Schröder, H. D. Schulz, M. Walter, R. Wurth, R. D. Appuhn, C. Hast, H. Kolanoski, A. Lange, A. Lindner, R. Mankel, M. Schieber, T. Siegmund, B. SpaanH. Thurn, D. Töpfer, A. Walther, D. Wegener, M. Bittner, P. Eckstein, M. Paulini, K. Reim, H. Wegener, R. Mundt, T. Oest, R. Reiner, W. Schmidt-Parzefall, W. Funk, J. Stiewe, S. Werner, K. Ehret, W. Hofmann, A. Hüpper, S. Khan, K. T. Knöpfle, J. Spengler, D. I. Britton, C. E.K. Charlesworth, K. W. Edwards, E. R.F. Hyatt, H. Kapitza, P. Krieger, D. B. MacFarlane, P. M. Patel, J. D. Prentice, P. R.B. Saull, K. Tzamariudaki, R. G. Van de Water, T. Yoon, D. Reßing, M. Schmidtler, M. Schneider, K. R. Schubert, K. Strahl, R. Waldi, S. Weseler, G. Kernel, P. Križan, E. Križnič, T. Podobnik, T. Živko, V. Balagura, I. Belyaev, S. Chechelnitsky, M. Danilov, A. Droutskoy, Yu Gershtein, A. Golutvin, I. Gorelov, G. Kostina, V. Lubimov, P. Pakhlov, F. Ratnikov, S. Semenov, V. Shibaev, V. Soloshenko, I. Tichomirov, Yu Zaitsev

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

105 Zitate (Scopus)


Exclusive semileptonic B decays with a D*+ meson in the final state have been studied using the ARGUS detector at the DORIS II storage ring. The branching ratio for the decay {Mathematical expression}, where ℓ- is either e- or μ-, has been measured to be (5.2±0.5±0.6)%. A significant rate for the decay {Mathematical expression} has been observed. From an angular analysis of the cascade {Mathematical expression} the forward-backward asymmetry AFB and the D*+ polarization parameter α have been determined to be AFB=0.20±0.08±0.06 and α=1.1±0.4±0.2.

Seiten (von - bis)533-540
FachzeitschriftZeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 1993
Extern publiziertJa


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