Investigation of an elastoflexible morphing wing configuration

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


This paper considers the experimental investigation of a morphing wing using an elastic membrane for the lifting surface to allow large variations of the planform. Measurements of the membrane deflection of two different wing configurations at various flow conditions (i.e. dynamic pressure and angle of attack) are presented to provide insight into the complex flow-structure interaction mechanisms governing the behavior of the wing and help optimizing its aerodynamic performances. The results allow identifying the relative influence of the aerodynamic, geometric and structural parameters of the wing on the membrane deflection. In particular, the non-linearity of the interaction between the aerodynamic load and the membrane deflection is pointed out.

TitelStructural Membranes 2011 - 5th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
Veranstaltung5th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Structural Membranes 2011 - Barcelona, Spanien
Dauer: 5 Okt. 20117 Okt. 2011


NameStructural Membranes 2011 - 5th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures


Konferenz5th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Structural Membranes 2011


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