Introducing Benzene-1,3,5-tri(dithiocarboxylate) as a Multidentate Linker in Coordination Chemistry

Margit Aust, Anna J. Herold, Lukas Niederegger, Christian Schneider, David C. Mayer, Markus Drees, Julien Warnan, Alexander Pöthig, Roland A. Fischer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

3 Zitate (Scopus)


Benzene-1,3,5-tri(dithiocarboxylate) (BTDTC3–), the sulfur-donor analogue of trimesate (BTC3–, benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate), is introduced, and its potential as a multidentate, electronically bridging ligand in coordination chemistry is evaluated. For this, the sodium salt Na3BTDTC has been synthesized, characterized, and compared with the sodium salt of the related ditopic benzene-1,4-di(dithiocarboxylate) (Na2BDDTC). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction of the respective tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvates reveals that such multitopic aromatic dithiocarboxylate linkers can form both discrete metal complexes (Na3BTDTC·9THF) and (two-dimensional) coordination polymers (Na2BDDTC·4THF). Additionally, the versatile coordination behavior of the novel BTDTC3– ligand is demonstrated by successful synthesis and characterization of trinuclear Cu(I) and hexanuclear Mo(II)2 paddlewheel complexes. The electronic structure and molecular orbitals of both dithiocarboxylate ligands as well as their carboxylate counterparts are investigated by density functional theory computational methods. Electrochemical investigations suggest that BTDTC3– enables electronic communication between the coordinated metal ions, rendering it a promising tritopic linker for functional coordination polymers.

Seiten (von - bis)19242-19252
FachzeitschriftInorganic Chemistry
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 20 Dez. 2021


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