Interprofessional Collaboration Competency Instrument for Nursing (ICCI-N): A Validation Study of German Student Nurses

Aldin Strikovic, Philine Krebs, Eveline Wittmann, Susan Seeber

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung


This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and dimensionality of the Interprofessional Collaboration Competency Instrument for Nursing (ICCI-N). The results from analyses of 323 student nurses enrolled in German nursing education demonstrated that the ICCI-N containing 34 items is reliable. The comparison between the one- and five-dimensional (i.e., knowledge about one’s own nursing role, knowledge about the role of other health professions, role distance, role-taking, and patient-oriented role coordination) models showed the superiority of the former. It is conceivable that the five theoretically hypothesized subdimensions are intermingled in nurses’ real-life actions and therefore cannot be separated in the empirical data. Nevertheless, the ICCI-N offers the possibility to survey nurses’ interprofessional collaboration competencies in a standardized and manageable way.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 25 Apr. 2022
Veranstaltung2022 AERA Annual Meeting -
Dauer: 1 Apr. 20224 Apr. 2022


Konferenz2022 AERA Annual Meeting
  • EKGe: Erweiterte Kompetenzmessung im Gesundheitsbereich

    Wittmann, E. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Weyland, U. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Seeber, S. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Warwas, J. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Schumann, M. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)


    Projekt: Forschung

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