int-2 and c-erbB-2 gene amplification detected in 70 frozen human breast carcinomas by quantitative polymerase chain reaction

H. X. An, D. Niederacher, S. I. Dominik, B. Kuschel, H. Yan, P. Dall, H. G. Schnürch, H. G. Bender, M. W. Beckmann

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7 Zitate (Scopus)


Gene amplification is a common mechanism of proto-oncogene activation and contributes to tumor progression. Analysis of such genetic alterations is relevant to our understanding of tumor genetics and can provide prognostic information for the patients. A rapid, non-radioactive approach based on qdPCR and fluorescent DNA technique was applied for determination of int-2 and c-erbB2 gene amplification and correlated with other prognostic factors in 70 breast cancer samples. ER and PgR were analysed by immunohistochemistry. The mixed template assay showed 96% concordance between calculated and measured gene copy number. int-2 gene and cerbB2 amplification were both found in 24% of the tumors. The amplification did not correlate with any of the other prognostic factors. 8% of the tumors showed amplification of both genes without significant correlations to any of the other parameters. The fd-PCR assay is a valuable tool for determination of amplification of int-2 and c-erbB2 genes. Therefore, more detailed information about individual tumor biology and outcome may be acquired by this routine assay and probably provide prognostic impact.

Seiten (von - bis)3133-3136
FachzeitschriftAnticancer Research
Ausgabenummer4 B
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1997
Extern publiziertJa


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