Inline weld depth measurement for high brilliance laser beam sources using optical coherence tomography

Maximilian Schmoeller, Christian Stadter, Stefan Liebl, Michael F. Zaeh

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

31 Zitate (Scopus)


As a result of the rapidly growing importance of applications in electro mobility that require a precisely defined laser weld depth, the demand for inline process monitoring and control is increasing. To overcome the challenges in process data acquisition, this paper proposes the application of a novel sensor concept for deep penetration laser beam welding with high brilliance laser sources. The experiments show that optical coherence tomography (OCT) can be used to measure the weld depth by comparing the distance to the material surface with the distance to the keyhole bottom measured by the sensor. Within the presented work, the measuring principle was used for the first time to observe a welding process with a highly focused laser beam source. First, a preliminary experimental study was carried out to evaluate the influence of the angle of incidence, the material, and the weld joint geometry on the quality of the sensor signal. When using a multimode fiber laser with a focus diameter of 320 μm, the measurements showed a distinct behavior for aluminum and copper. The findings about the measurement signal properties were then applied to laser beam welding with a single-mode fiber laser with a spot diameter of only 55 μm. The spot diameter of the OCT measuring beam was about 50 μm and thus only slightly smaller than that of the single-mode processing beam. A wide variety of tests were carried out to determine the limits of the measurement procedure. The results show that the application of OCT allows inline monitoring of the weld depth using both a multimode and a highly focused single-mode laser beam. In addition, various influences on the signal were identified, e.g., the material-specific melt pool dynamics as well as several characteristic reflection and absorption properties.

FachzeitschriftJournal of Laser Applications
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Mai 2019


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