Indikationen zur pankreasbiopsie: Selten, aber zunehmend bedeutsamer

J. M. Löhr, G. Klöppel

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsartikelBegutachtung

9 Zitate (Scopus)


Pancreatic biopsy is an invasive diagnostic method that is only performed when all other diagnostic measures for establishing the diagnosis of a tumorous lesion of the pancreas have failed. Because of the advances in modern imaging techniques, fine needle biopsy of the pancreas guided by ultrasonography, computer tomography or endosonography has become a reliable method that allows the diagnosis of ductal adenocarcinoma or any of the other, rarer pancreatic tumors with high sensitivity and specificity. Complications are rare, particularly with the endosonographically guided biopsy. A new biopsy indication is the demonstration of certain markers or gene mutations that are needed for the initiation of special treatments, e.g. EGFR-Cetuximab.

Titel in ÜbersetzungIndications for pancreatic biopsy: Uncommon, but increasingly more important
Seiten (von - bis)67-72
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Feb. 2005
Extern publiziertJa


  • Endosonographically guided biopsy
  • Fine needle biopsy
  • Indications
  • Methods
  • Pancreas biopsy


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