Increase in B-cells in the pancreatic remnant after partial pancreatectomy in pigs - An immunocytochemical and functional study

M. Löhr, J. Liibbersmeyer, B. Otremba, R. Klapdor, D. Grossner, G. Klöppel

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

27 Zitate (Scopus)


The regenerative and functional capacity of B-cells in the remaining pancreatic tissue after surgical removal of 40%, 60% and 80% of the pancreas was examined in 7 month old pigs (three animals in each group). Prior to resection and 1, 3 and 6 weeks after surgery, basal and glucosestimulated levels of insulin and blood glucose were determined and compared with the preoperative data and that of sham-operated controls. For quantitative morphology, the volume of the resected specimen and the residual pancreatic tissue, 6 weeks after surgery, was determined and sections evaluated by immunocytochemistry (insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide) combined with morphometry. In the remaining pancreas, the volume density of the B-cells was increased by 19% (1.57-1.92 after 60% resection; p<0.02) and 56% (1.57-2.38 after 80% resection; p<0.02) 6 weeks after surgery, compared with the respective resected portion of the pancreas and the controls (n = 12). The non-B-cells gained between 0-10% (PP-cells), 10-20% (D-cells) and 30-40% (A-cells) in the different resection groups. As the number of B-cells per given islet area remained unchanged (mean 4.12 cells/0.25 mm2), the increased volume density was due to an increase in cell number rather than cell size. Insulin secretion (integrated values, 0-120 min), was not signifiantly impaired after 40% and 60% resection (2711±250 all preoperative samples; 3215 ±474 40% at 6 week intravenous glucose tolerance test (IV-GTT); 1677 ±109 60% at 6 week IV-GTT), although the glucose levels (integrated values) were increased during the IV-GTT. The 80% resected animals showed a significant decrease in the insulin response only 1 week after surgery (integrated values: 2711±250 all preoperative samples, compared with 1250 ±508 1 week IV-GTT; p<0.05), while the integrated glucose values during IV-GTT (0-120 min) were significantly elevated throughout the observation period. These results suggest a B-cell hyperplasia in the residual pancreas after resection, which may cope with a normal functional demand, but disclose functional abnormalities when challenged with an increased glucose load.

Seiten (von - bis)277-286
FachzeitschriftVirchows Archiv B Cell Pathology Including Molecular Pathology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 1988
Extern publiziertJa


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