
We present an improved measurement of the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) solar neutrino interaction rate at Earth obtained with the complete Borexino Phase-III dataset. The measured rate, RCNO=6.7-0.8+2.0 counts/(day×100 tonnes), allows us to exclude the absence of the CNO signal with about 7σ C.L. The correspondent CNO neutrino flux is 6.6-0.9+2.0×108 cm-2 s-1, taking into account the neutrino flavor conversion. We use the new CNO measurement to evaluate the C and N abundances in the Sun with respect to the H abundance for the first time with solar neutrinos. Our result of NCN=(5.78-1.00+1.86)×10-4 displays a ∼2σ tension with the "low-metallicity"spectroscopic photospheric measurements. Furthermore, our result used together with the Be7 and B8 solar neutrino fluxes, also measured by Borexino, permits us to disfavor at 3.1σ C.L. the "low-metallicity"standard solar model B16-AGSS09met as an alternative to the "high-metallicity"standard solar model B16-GS98.

FachzeitschriftPhysical Review Letters
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 16 Dez. 2022


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