Hochaufgelöste numerische simulation des transportbeginns einzelner sedimentkörner

Markus Grünzner, Peter Rutschmann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


The following article is dealing about a numerical highly resolved simulation of the incipient motion of an individual exposed sediment grain in a homogenous rough flume. The investigated model corresponds to the experiment from Fenton and Abbott [1], In that experiment they exposed an individual sediment grain by lifting it up with a piston into the flume until it started moving with the water. Fenton and Abbott [1] were able to correlate the incipient sediment motion with the exposition of the grain and the Shields value of the flow situation. The target of this article is to reproduce the results of the physical model with a highly resolved numerical simulation. A further demand for the simulations is to make as few as possible assumptions and use as less as possible models to simulate as much as possible physics directly. For this reason, the fluid flow is calculated with a 3D large eddy simulation approach. The movable sediment grain is modelled directly as a movable component with six degrees of freedom for its motion. The fluid and the component are interacting with coupled motions (bi-directional).

Titel in ÜbersetzungHigh resolution simulation of incipient sediment particle motion
Seiten (von - bis)28-32
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juni 2017


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