Gram-scale cryogenic calorimeters for rare-event searches

R. Strauss, J. Rothe, G. Angloher, A. Bento, A. Gütlein, D. Hauff, H. Kluck, M. Mancuso, L. Oberauer, F. Petricca, F. Pröbst, J. Schieck, S. Schönert, W. Seidel, L. Stodolsky

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

51 Zitate (Scopus)


The energy threshold of a cryogenic calorimeter can be lowered by reducing its size. This is of importance since the resulting increase in signal rate enables new approaches in rare-event searches, including the detection of MeV mass dark matter and coherent scattering of reactor or solar neutrinos. A scaling law for energy threshold vs detector size is given. We analyze the possibility of lowering the threshold of a gram-scale cryogenic calorimeter to the few eV regime. A prototype 0.5 g Al2O3 device achieved an energy threshold of Eth=(19.7±0.9) eV, the lowest value reported for a macroscopic calorimeter.

FachzeitschriftPhysical Review D
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 15 Juli 2017


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