Ganzheitlicher Feuerwiderstand für Konstruktionen in Holzbauweise

Elisabeth Suttner, Michael Rauch, Norman Werther, Stefan Winter

Publikation: Beitrag in PeriodikumArtikel

1 Zitat (Scopus)


Holistic fire resistance for timber constructions. Depending on the building class and the function of the structural components, it is necessary to verify the requirements regarding to the fire resistance. With the legitimation under building law to construct multi-storey buildings up to high-rise buildings also as timber constructions with combustible materials, the challenge of ensuring adequate proof of the fire resistance is increasing. In addition to the verification of the usability of the building component itself, the influence of element joints, component joints and penetrations of building services installations through components with fire resistance requirements have to be checked. With regard to timber construction, there are currently only limited possibilities for proving corresponding requirements. The following paper describes existing and new methods to determine the fire resistance for massive timber constructions and timber frame assemblies until 90 min fire resistance. In particular, the use of bio-based insulation materials and their contribution to fire resistance will be discussed. In addition, the current state of the art of safe connections and element joints, which must prevent the spread of fire and smoke in the same way as the components, will be presented. Furthermore, relevant design principles for the handling of technical penetrations through wooden building components are collected based on current research results as well as existing approval documents. The online catalogue is used to illustrate the practical use of these findings.

Titel in ÜbersetzungHolistic fire resistance for timber constructions
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Nov. 2019


  • Conception and Design
  • Fire protection
  • Timber construction
  • component analysis
  • fire resistance
  • joints
  • service penetrations
  • timber construction


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