Functional Genomic Screening During Somatic Cell Reprogramming Identifies DKK3 as a Roadblock of Organ Regeneration

Frank Arnold, Pallavi U. Mahaddalkar, Johann M. Kraus, Xiaowei Zhong, Wendy Bergmann, Dharini Srinivasan, Johann Gout, Elodie Roger, Alica K. Beutel, Eugen Zizer, Umesh Tharehalli, Nora Daiss, Ronan Russell, Lukas Perkhofer, Rupert Oellinger, Qiong Lin, Ninel Azoitei, Frank Ulrich Weiss, Markus M. Lerch, Stefan LiebauSarah Fee Katz, André Lechel, Roland Rad, Thomas Seufferlein, Hans A. Kestler, Michael Ott, Amar Deep Sharma, Patrick C. Hermann, Alexander Kleger

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

8 Zitate (Scopus)


Somatic cell reprogramming and tissue repair share relevant factors and molecular programs. Here, Dickkopf-3 (DKK3) is identified as novel factor for organ regeneration using combined transcription-factor-induced reprogramming and RNA-interference techniques. Loss of Dkk3 enhances the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells but does not affect de novo derivation of embryonic stem cells, three-germ-layer differentiation or colony formation capacity of liver and pancreatic organoids. However, DKK3 expression levels in wildtype animals and serum levels in human patients are elevated upon injury. Accordingly, Dkk3-null mice display less liver damage upon acute and chronic failure mediated by increased proliferation in hepatocytes and LGR5+ liver progenitor cell population, respectively. Similarly, recovery from experimental pancreatitis is accelerated. Regeneration onset occurs in the acinar compartment accompanied by virtually abolished canonical-Wnt-signaling in Dkk3-null animals. This results in reduced expression of the Hedgehog repressor Gli3 and increased Hedgehog-signaling activity upon Dkk3 loss. Collectively, these data reveal Dkk3 as a key regulator of organ regeneration via a direct, previously unacknowledged link between DKK3, canonical-Wnt-, and Hedgehog-signaling.

FachzeitschriftAdvanced Science
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 21 Juli 2021


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