FPGA-based signal processing of an automotive radar sensor

Volker Winkler, Jürgen Detlefsen, Uwe Siart, Josef Büchler, Michael Wagner

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung

10 Zitate (Scopus)


In the last years automotive radar systems have been developed to the maturity phase. Most of the systems are pulse radars, because this principle provides high dynamic gain, short measurement times and unproblematic signal processing. In commercial sensors FPGAs, Digital Signal Processors and Microcontrollers are used for the digital radar control and signal processing. In the following a pulse radar is described, consisting of one programmable logic device (PLD) as key component. The programmable logic device, in this case a EP1S25F780C5 FPGA from ALTERA™, controls the hardware timing in the measurement process and performs also the complete signal processing. The center frequency of the radar lies at 24.125 GHz and the mainlobe of the spectrum occupies a bandwidth of 250 MHz. The radar can sense over a range of 40m and has a range resolution of 37.5cm without the help of external delay elements. Measurement parameters can be adjusted highly flexible. A prototype is already running and first measurement results are presented.

TitelConference Proceedings - 1st European Radar Conference, EuRAD
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2004
VeranstaltungConference Proceedings - 1st European Radar Conference, EuRAD - Amsterdam, Niederlande
Dauer: 14 Okt. 200415 Okt. 2004


NameConference Proceedings - 1st European Radar Conference, EuRAD


KonferenzConference Proceedings - 1st European Radar Conference, EuRAD


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