Filling a Gap: Electrochemical Property Comparison of the Completed Compound Series [Mo2(DArF)n(O2C-Fc)4-n] (DArF = N,N′-Diarylformamidinate; O2C-Fc = Ferrocenecarboxylate)

Xu Min Cai, Teresa K. Meister, Alexander Pöthig, Fritz E. Kühn

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

6 Zitate (Scopus)


The reaction of cis-[Mo2(O2C-Fc)2(NCCH3)4][BF4]2 (cis-1) with two electronically different N,N′-diarylformamidinate (DArF) ligands (DArF = N,N′-bis(p-trifluoromethylphenyl)formamidinate (DTfmpF), N,N′-bis(p-anisyl)formamidinate (DAniF)) results in the isolation of the tris- and monosubstituted complexes [Mo2(DTfmpF)3(O2C-Fc)] (2a) and [Mo2(DAniF)(O2C-Fc)3] (2b). These complexes complete the series of [Mo2(DArF)n(O2C-Fc)4-n] (n = 4-0) type compounds, thus allowing for a comprehensive study. On the basis of the oxidation potential E1/2([Mo2]4+/[Mo2]5+) of all Mo2 complexes, ligand basicity is found to decrease in the order DAniF- > DTfmpF- > Fc-CO2- 蠑 CH3CN. In addition, no direct electronic interaction between the trans-positioned Fc units in complex 2b is detected, which is attributed to the full overlap of all Fc oxidation processes. Furthermore, the low-energy absorption bands of compounds 2a,b are located at different positions in their respective UV-vis spectra.

Seiten (von - bis)858-864
FachzeitschriftInorganic Chemistry
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 19 Jan. 2016


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