FE-analysis of ground freezing for the construction of a tunnel cross connection

Roberto Cudmani, Siegfried Nagelsdiek

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


The Finite Element Method (FEM) is used in combination with an elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model for the analysis of a ground freezing problem related to the construction of a tunnel cross connection in the city of Cologne. As the considered problem is essentially three-dimensional, but a 3D-calculation was not feasible, an approximate solution is obtained by coupling a simplified 3D- with a 2D-model. It is concluded that the FEM is an appropriated and powerful technique for the analysis of ground freezing problems. However, the time-dependent response of the frozen body, especially the evaluation of the maximum allowable standing time, can be only properly predicted if the real constitutive behavior of the frozen soil is taken into account in the calculation.

TitelProc. Int. Conf. on Numerical Simulation of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Eng. for Urban Environment - Numerical Modelling of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Eng. for Urban Environment
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2006
Extern publiziertJa
VeranstaltungInternational Conference on Numerical Simulation of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Engineering for Urban Environment - Numerical Modelling of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Engineering for Urban Environment - Bochum, Deutschland
Dauer: 23 März 200624 März 2006


NameProc. Int. Conf. Numerical Simulation of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Eng. for Urban Environment - Numerical Modelling of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Eng. for Urban Environment


KonferenzInternational Conference on Numerical Simulation of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Engineering for Urban Environment - Numerical Modelling of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Engineering for Urban Environment


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