Exploring the high-energy neutrino universe from the south pole - Results from amanda and status of icecube

Kurt Woschnagg, M. Ackermann, J. Ahrens, D. W. Atlee, X. Bai, R. Bay, M. Bartelt, S. W. Barwick, T. Becka, K. H. Becker, J. K. Becker, E. Bernardini, D. Bertrand, D. J. Boersma, S. Böser, O. Botner, A. Bouchta, O. Bouhali, J. Braun, C. BurgessT. Burgess, T. Castermans, D. Chirkin, J. A. Coarasa, B. Collin, J. Conrad, J. Cooley, D. F. Cowen, A. Davour, C. De Clercq, T. Deyoung, P. Desiati, P. Ekström, T. Feser, T. K. Gaisser, R. Ganugapati, H. Geenen, A. Davour, A. Goldschmidt, A. Groß, A. Hallgren, F. Halzen, K. Hanson, D. Hardtke, R. Hardtke, T. Harenberg, T. Hauschildt, K. Helbing, M. Hellwig, P. Herquet, G. C. Hill, J. Hodges, D. Hubert, B. Hughey, P. O. Hulth, K. Hultqvist, S. Hundertmark, J. Jacobsen, K. H. Kampert, A. Karle, J. Kelley, M. Kestel, L. Köpke, M. Kowalski, M. Krasberg, K. Kuehn, R. Lang, H. Leich, M. Leuthold, J. Lundberg, J. Madsen, K. Mandli, P. Marciniewski, H. S. Matis, C. P. McParland, T. Messarius, Y. Minaeva, P. Miočinovic̀, R. Morse, K. Münich, R. Nahnhauer, J. W. Nam, T. Neunhöffer, P. Niessen, D. R. Nygren, Ph Olbrechts, C. Pérez De Los Heros, D. Pieloth, A. C. Pohl, R. Porrata, P. B. Price, G. T. Przybylski, K. Rawlins, E. Resconi, W. Rhode, M. Ribordy, S. Richter, H. G. Sander, K. Schinarakis, S. Schlenstedt, D. Schneider, R. Schwarz, S. H. Seo, A. Silvestri, M. Solarz, G. M. Spiczak, C. Spiering, M. Stamatikos, D. Steele, P. Steffen, R. G. Stokstad, K. H. Sulanke, I. Taboada, O. Tarasova, L. Thollander, S. Tilav, J. Vandenbroucke, L. C. Voicu, B. Voigt, W. Wagner, C. Walck, M. Walter, Y. R. Wang, C. H. Wiebusch, R. Wischnewski, H. Wissing, K. Woschnagg, G. Yodh

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) is a neutrino telescope embedded deep in the 2.8 km-thick polar icecap at the South Pole. AMANDA aims to detect high-energy cosmic neutrinos from sources where the highest-energy cosmic rays are produced and accelerated. We present recent results from AMANDA on searches for high-energy neutrinos of extraterrestrial origin. We have searched for a diffuse flux of neutrinos, neutrino point sources, and neutrinos from GRBs and from WIMP annihilations in the Sun or the center of the Earth. We also present a preliminary result on the first energy spectrum above a few TeV for atmospheric neutrinos. The status of IceCube, the km3-sized successor to AMANDA, is reviewed after its first successful construction season.

TitelLes Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste
UntertitelResults and Perspectives in Particle Physics
AuflageSPEC. ISS.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2005
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung19th Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste 2005: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics - 19th Physics Conference in the Aosta Valley: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics 2005 - La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italien
Dauer: 27 Feb. 20055 März 2005


NameFrascati Physics Series
NummerSPEC. ISS.
ISSN (Print)1122-5157


Konferenz19th Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste 2005: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics - 19th Physics Conference in the Aosta Valley: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics 2005
OrtLa Thuile, Aosta Valley


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