Erratum: Tantalum(v) 1,3-propanediolate β-diketonate solution as a precursor to sol-gel derived, metal oxide thin films (RSC Adv. (2020) 10 (13737-13748) DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02558E)

Christopher Beale, Stefanie Hamacher, Alexey Yakushenko, Oumaima Bensaid, Sabine Willbold, Guillermo Beltramo, Sören Möller, Heinrich Hartmann, Elmar Neumann, Gregor Mussler, Alexander Shkurmanov, Dirk Mayer, Bernhard Wolfrum, Andreas Offenhäusser

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKommentar/Debatte

1 Zitat (Scopus)


The authors regret that the plasma treatment and printing parameters were reported incorrectly in the subsection “Deposition on a-SiO2 for UV/Vis spectrophotometry” in the Experimental section of the original article. Before printing, the substrate for both samples was subjected to an argon plasma treatment for 5 minutes (150 W, 0.6 mbar). The plasma power is now corrected to be the same as stated in the “Deposition on a-SiO2 for Raman/XRD” subsection, where originally it was incorrectly stated that “the power was set slightly higher” for the Raman/XRD samples. For both the acetylacetone and benzoylacetone inks, the inks were printed on their respective substrates with a 75 mm drop pitch having dimensions of 400 220 drops to create a uniform layer. The correct section is as follows: Deposition on a-SiO2 for UV/Vis spectrophotometry 0.5 mm thick a-SiO2 was chosen as the best substrate for transparency in the near UV range. Before printing, the substrate was subjected to an argon plasma treatment for 5 minutes (150 W, 0.6 mbar) using the NANO plasma oven (Diener electronic GmbH + Co. KG, Germany). Product from the proposed method with acetylacetone was diluted with DEGEE, with the dilution containing 706 mg of DEGEE (70 wt%) and 308 mg of product (30 wt%). The ink was then printed on the substrate with a 75 mmdrop pitch having dimensions of 400220 drops to create a uniform layer. For benzoylacetone, the dilution contained 732 mg DEGEE (69 wt%) and 328 mg of product (31 wt%). The ink was then printed with a drop pitch of 75 mm to create uniform layers (the benzoylacetone ink did not spread as well as the acetylacetone ink), having dimensions of 400220 drops to create a uniform layer. The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

Seiten (von - bis)32102
FachzeitschriftRSC Advances
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 28 Aug. 2020


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