Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Untersuchung des Einpresswiderstandes konventioneller und alternativer Jagdbüchsengeschosse

R. Ettl, J. FÄTh, A. GÖTtlein

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


In the current discussion about a potential ban of leaded ammunition alternative materials are searched. Alternative rifle bullets mainly consist of copper, copper alloys or tin. Besides the chemical properties (SCHWARZ et al., 2015 and FÄTH and GÖTTLEIN, 2015), the physical effects also have to be investigated. Therefore, 20 conventional and 21 alternative bullets (Tab. 1) in caliber.30-06 Springfield were tested. The bullets were pressed through test gun barrels (Fig. 2). Depending on core material as well as different jackets and surface modifications there were clear differences in setback force. Most lead and tin bullets had a pronounced maximum peak at the beginning of their way into the barrel with a subsequent significant drop in force (Fig. 3). Bullets made out of copper alloys showed very heterogeneous setback forces. Often the forces rose enormously and were kept over long distances in the gun barrel. Surface modifications reduced the setback forces of all bullet types. Constructive changes, e.g guide length, bullet diameter, jacket hardness, also had positive effects on the setback force (Fig. 4). In addition to these aspects for a complete evaluation precision and killing efficiency also have to be considered.

Titel in ÜbersetzungResults of a standardized investigation of the setback force of conventional and alternative rifle bullets
Seiten (von - bis)140-151
FachzeitschriftAllgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017


  • Jacket bullets
  • Rifle bullets
  • Setback force
  • Solid bullets


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