Entwicklung eines vorläufigen Best Practice Modells für stationsäquivalente psychiatrische Behandlung aus Sicht von Nutzer*innen: Konsensprozess mit partizipativen Anteilen

Julian Schwarz, Kim Scheunemann, Hannah Mundry, Emma Kula, Nadine Randzio, Marie Salzmann, Gerhard Längle, Svenja Raschmann, Martin Holzke, Peter Brieger, Johannes Hamann, Olaf Hardt, Sandeep Rout, Constance Hirschmeier, Uwe Herwig, Simon Senner, Janina Richter, Jürgen Timm, Reinhold Kilian, Konstantinos NikolaidisStefan Weinmann, Andreas Bechdolf, Sebastian von Peter

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Aim Inpatient-Equivalent Home Treatment (IEHT) for mental health is new in Germany and therefore requires quality development. A best practice model (BPM) for IEHT is being developed from a service user perspective. Methods 1. Collection and organization of evidence (literature review; n = 55 interviews with service users), 2. qualitative analysis and formulation of criteria; 3. consensus and grouping of criteria (Delphi process). Results 58 Best practice criteria were developed in 8 groups: 1. Information, access and crisis management; 2. Treatment framework, end of treatment and continuity; 3. Scheduling, organization of contacts and flexibility; 4. Practical support and activation; 5. Treatment and therapy services; 6. Treatment team and staff; 7. Relatives, caregivers and community; and 8. Privacy and behavior in the home environment. Conclusion The BPM provides initial guidance for a user-centered assessment of the implementation of IEHT.

Titel in ÜbersetzungDeveloping An Initial Best Practice Model For Inpatient Equivalent Psychiatric Home Treatment From The Perspective Of Service Users: Consensus Process With Participatory Features
FachzeitschriftPsychiatrische Praxis
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2024
Extern publiziertJa


  • crisis resolution teams
  • fidelity scale
  • home treatment
  • Inpatient equivalent home treatment
  • participatory research


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