Enter the Shark Tank: The Impact of Business Models on Early Stage Financing

Timo Phillip Böttcher, Valentin Bootz, Tetiana Zubko, Jörg Weking, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung

6 Zitate (Scopus)


Investments are the necessary fuel for startup development. However, new ventures face difficulties in obtaining financial investments. The investors aim to invest in startups with high success chances and quick return on investment. The business model (BM) of a startup was proven to be a determinant of its success. However, there is a lack of research on the influence of the BM on the amount of received seed funding. This study analyzes the BMs of 72 startups and the amount of received seed investment. We applied Pearson's product-moment correlation tests to calculate the correlation between these variables. Our research shows a correlation between the BM and the amount of received seed investment. We identify the patterns Two-Sided Market, Layer Player, and Freemium to have a significant positive effect on the investment sum. This research guides entrepreneurs in BM design and contributes to the discussion of success factors for startup success.

TitelInnovation Through Information Systems - Volume III
UntertitelA Collection of Latest Research on Management Issues
Redakteure/-innenFrederik Ahlemann, Reinhard Schütte, Stefan Stieglitz
Herausgeber (Verlag)Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
ISBN (Print)9783030867997
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2021
VeranstaltungInternational Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI 2021 - Duisburg, Deutschland
Dauer: 9 März 202111 März 2021


NameLecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation
Band48 LNISO
ISSN (Print)2195-4968
ISSN (elektronisch)2195-4976


KonferenzInternational Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI 2021


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