Endovascular Stroke Treatment: How Far Downstream Should We Go?

Benjamin Friedrich, Donald Lobsien, Silke Wunderlich, Christian Maegerlein, David Pree, Karl Titus Hoffmann, Claus Zimmer, Johannes Kaesmacher

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

1 Zitat (Scopus)


Background: Endovascular thrombectomy has become the de facto standard in the treatment of large vessel occlusion. Previously, a correlation between good outcome and the occlusion site, measured by the ‘distance to thrombus’ (DT)—as the distance from the carotid T to the beginning of the thrombus—after thrombolysis could be shown. In the present study, we analyze the differences between the chances of a good outcome in respect of DT between patients treated endovascularly or intravenously. Methods: A dual-center database analysis including patients with stroke due to occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) was performed. Inclusion criteria were a completed treatment and full documentation of the clinical course. DT was measured in pre-treatment images. DT was correlated with the mRS at 90 days stratified according to the different treatment methods. Results: A total of 280 patients could be included. We were able to show a correlation between the chances of good clinical outcome and the occlusion site measured by DT after i.v. thrombolysis. The outcome after endovascular treatment showed no correlation with DT (p = 0.227). After a DT of 26 mm, the chances of a good outcome after i.v. thrombolysis exceeded those after endovascular treatment. Conclusion: In patients with MCA occlusion, the probability for a good outcome after endovascular treatment is independent of the occlusion site in contrast to the treatment with i.v. thrombolysis. If the occlusion occurred in the periphery of the M2 region (DT > 26 mm), i.v. thrombolysis alone was superior to endovascular treatment in achieving a good outcome.

Seiten (von - bis)55-62
FachzeitschriftCardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Jan. 2018


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