Einfluß des MHS-genotyps auf die mast-und schlachtleistung von piétrainschweinen und PI x DL-mastendprodukten in der stationsprüfung

Werner Wittmann, Kay Uwe Götz, Walter Peschke, Johann Peter Lindner, Maximilian Hauser

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

9 Zitate (Scopus)


For the comparison of fattening and carcass performance traits as well as the meat quality of different MHS-genotypes, one Piétrain group with 434 and another one of 64 PI x DL animals of both sexes were evaluated. The LSQ-means from an animal model showed in tendency a lower fattening performance of the stress-susceptible genotypes. Significant differences were found for higher fat layers and fat surfaces and for lower meat surfaces and percentage of lean meat in NP- and NN-genotypes as compared to the PP-animals. The differences between the MHS-genotypes of the PI x DL animals were similar to those of the Piétrain animals. Both statistical models confirmed a better meat quality already in the NP-genotypes. With respect to lower loss rates, reduction of insufficient meat qualities (PSE, DFD) and a still high proportion of lean meat of the NP-and NN-animals, a selection of the Piétrain race for stress-resistance should be suitable.

Titel in ÜbersetzungThe influence of MHS-genotypes on fattening and carcass performance traits of purebred piétrain pies and PI x DL slaughter pigs at testing station
Seiten (von - bis)139-147
FachzeitschriftArchives Animal Breeding
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1999
Extern publiziertJa


  • Fattening and carcass performance
  • MHS-genotype
  • Meat quality
  • Piétrain


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