Effects of core stability training on throwing velocity and core strength in female handball players

Larissa Kuhn, Heidi WEBERRUß, Thomas Horstmann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

24 Zitate (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: This study investigated the effect of a six-week in-season core stability training (CST) intervention on maximal throwing velocity and core strength parameters. METHODS: Twenty female handball players (23.4±4.4 years, 168.4±3.5 cm, and 66.9±9.2 kg) were randomized into a CST intervention group (N.=10) and a control group (CON, N.=10). Throwing velocity, maximal isometric strength (MIS) and endurance strength of the ventral, dorsal and lateral core muscle chains were measured before and after progressive, six-week core stability training in the CST group. RESULTS: Core endurance of both lateral core muscle chains (LR: F=7.03, P=0.017; LL: F=6.31, P=0.022;) and MIS of the left lateral core muscle chain (LL: F=7.08, P=0.019) was significantly improved in CST compared to CON group after 6 weeks. Additionally, CST group significantly increased MIS of the lateral right core muscles (21%, P=0.042) and the ventral core endurance (35%, P=0.016) compared to baseline. Although both groups significantly increased throwing velocity of the jump throw after the intervention (CST 12%, P=0.001; CON 8%, P=0.009), throwing velocity of the standing throw remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: A six-week CST intervention effectively increased the isometric strength and endurance of selected core muscles but did not significantly enhance throwing velocity compared to standard training.

Seiten (von - bis)1479-1486
FachzeitschriftJournal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2019


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