Effect of the coefficient of restitution and friction in the granular Leidenfrost effect in the absence of gravity. A numerical study

Daniel Schiochet Nasato, Heiko Briesen

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung


In this study the granular Leidenfrost effect in the absence of gravity is investigated numerically by means of the discrete element method. Apart from identifying the phenomena, a parametric study to quantify the influence of the coefficient of restitution and friction in the packing fraction of the granular media is carried on numerically. Surprisingly, both the coefficient of restitution and the coefficient of friction exhibit an influence of the same magnitude in the packing fraction of the granular system, which has not been reported in experiments and simulation of granular Leidenfrost regime under gravity or microgravity conditions.

PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 7 Juni 2021
Veranstaltung9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media, Powders and Grains 2021 - Virtual, Online, Argentinien
Dauer: 5 Juli 20216 Aug. 2021


Konferenz9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media, Powders and Grains 2021
OrtVirtual, Online


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