Dual-energy micro-CT with a dual-layer, dual-color, single-crystal scintillator

Daniel Simon Maier, Jonathan Schock, Franz Pfeiffer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

11 Zitate (Scopus)


A wide range of X-ray imaging applications demand micrometer spatial resolution. In material science and biology especially, there is a great interest in material determination and material separation methods. Here we present a new detector design that allows the recording of a low- and a high-energy radiography image simultaneously with micrometer spatial resolution. The detector system is composed of a layered scintillator stack, two CCDs and an optical system to image the scintillator responses onto the CCDs. We used the detector system with a standard laboratory microfocus X-ray tube to prove the working principle of the system and derive important design characteristics. With the recorded and registered dual-energy data set, the material separation and determination could be shown at an X-ray tube peak energy of up to 160 keV with a spatial resolution of 12 μm. The detector design shows a great potential for further development and a wide range of possible applications.

Seiten (von - bis)6924-6935
FachzeitschriftOptics Express
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 20 März 2017


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