Dimensionierungshilfen für ausgesteifte und unausgesteifte Beulfelder nach DIN EN 1993-1-5 – Teil 1: unausgesteifte Beulfelder

Felix Hulm, Johannes Kreutz, Nadine Maier, Martin Mensinger, Joseph Ndogmo

Publikation: Beitrag in PeriodikumArtikel


Dimensioning tools for stiffened and unstiffened buckling plates according to DIN EN 1993-1-5 – part 1: unstiffened buckling plates. In Germany, stiffened buckling plates in bridge construction must be verified using the reduced stress method (MRS) according to DIN EN 1993-1-5. Unstiffened buckling panels, on the other hand, may be verified either according to the method of effective widths or according to the method of reduced stresses. To shorten the time-consuming verification of the standardised verification formats for pre-dimensioning, which is particularly prevalent for stiffened buckling fields, part 1 of this paper develops and presents diagrams for unstiffened buckling fields based on the MRS by reformulating the buckling verification, which enable fast pre-dimensioning. With the diagrams, the dimensioning of plate thicknesses or stiffener spacings can be carried out in a few simple and comprehensible steps. The diagrams are selected based on the geometry parameters a, b and t or the applicable boundary conditions. For stiffened buckling panels, the maximum permissible distances of the longitudinal stiffeners or the required main plate thickness can be determined. In the second part of this paper, diagrams for the dimensioning of longitudinal stiffeners via the determination of minimum stiffnesses are presented. The minimum stiffnesses are derived from the geometry of the linear buckling shapes of simply stiffened buckling fields.

Titel in ÜbersetzungDimensioning tools for stiffened and unstiffened buckling plates according to DIN EN 1993-1-5 - Part 1: Unstiffened buckling plates
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Feb. 2022


  • buckling
  • buckling panel
  • longitudinal stiffeners
  • minimum stiffness
  • plate buckling
  • steel bridges


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