Detection of circulating tumor cells in locally advanced high-risk prostate cancer during neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical prostatectomy

Mark Thalgott, Brigitte Rack, Thomas Horn, Matthias M. Heck, Matthias Eiber, Hubert Kübler, Margitta Retz, Jürgen E. Gschwend, Ulrich Andergassen, Roman Nawroth

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

39 Zitate (Scopus)


Aim: Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) may be prognostic for biochemical recurrence-free survival (bRFS) in patients with locally advanced high-risk prostate cancer (LAPC) undergoing neoadjuvant chemohormonal therapy (NCHT) and radical prostatectomy (RP). Patients and Methods: CTCs were detected before and after NCHT, after RP and at follow-up using the CellSearch™-System for 59 blood samples (20 ml) from patients with LAPC (n=15) and, additionally, for 15 control samples. Results: The median 5- year progression risk was 90%. CTCs (≥1/20 ml) were detected in 53.3% of patients, with a detection rate of 18.6% in sample-adjusted analysis. CTCs were detected at baseline in 20% of patients with LAPC and 6.7% of controls (p=0.6). CTC findings displayed no association with clinico - pathological characteristics. The median bRFS of CTCnegative vs. CTC-positive patients was 43.7 (95% confidence interval not reached) vs. 29.2 months (95% confidence interval=26.8-60.6 months), without statistical significance (p=0.76). Conclusion: During NCHT and RP, longitudinal CTC presence seems to some extent stochastic, although patients with persistant CTCs post-RP developed biochemical recurrence. No significant association with clinicopathological characteristics or bRFS was observed in patients with LAPC, despite a trend for reduced bRFS in patients with detectable CTCs.

Seiten (von - bis)5679-5686
FachzeitschriftAnticancer Research
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Okt. 2015


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