Data exchange between agriculture and agricultural trade - Special aspects in Germany

Heinz Bernhardt, Nina Zimmermann, Maximilian Treiber, Dirk Engelhardt

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung


The field of data exchange plays a key role in smart farming. The production, processing and marketing of agricultural goods is increasingly concentrated in supply chain networks in which cooperation takes place across company boundaries. Over here not only the flows of goods, but also the data flows flow to the product. These data streams through production are critical to quality management. The food scandals in Europe over the past few decades have made it clear that, in the long term, a free common market is only possible through joint quality management to ensure product quality. The consumer demands not only a high quality standard of the food, but also the corresponding documentation and traceability of the products. This consumer demand is met by legal requirements for quality management and by agreements based on this in the production chains. The resulting data streams are analyzed using the example of the grain trade between farmer and agricultural trade. Cereals have particular difficulties because it is a mass product that can be used in different directions. Thus, different supply chains in a company in this area can overlap. The focus of the investigation is on the necessary data exchange in the grain logistics between farmer and trade in Germany. On the one hand, data exchange is important for quality management. On the other hand, both partners are also in a market relationship and therefore do not want to make their trading partner access too much information. The study will show which technological conditions the farmer has for data exchange with the agricultural trade and which opportunities and risks the farmer sees in it. In addition, the willingness of the drivers of the agricultural trade in this process is still being investigated, since they are usually the first contact person to the trading partner. It turns out that the technological prerequisites exist on both sides. The willingness to exchange data is also present. But there are still some concerns that need to be reduced by better information.

PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018
VeranstaltungASABE 2018 Annual International Meeting - Detroit, USA/Vereinigte Staaten
Dauer: 29 Juli 20181 Aug. 2018


KonferenzASABE 2018 Annual International Meeting
Land/GebietUSA/Vereinigte Staaten


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