Das AutoMoDe-projekt: Modellbasierte Entwicklung Softwareintensiver Systeme im Automobil

Andreas Bauer, Manfred Broy, Jan Romberg, Bernhard Schätz, Peter Braun, Ulrich Freund, Nuria Mata, Robert Sandner, Pierre Mai, Dirk Ziegenbein

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

3 Zitate (Scopus)


Development of embedded automotive software is inherently complex and involves different stakeholders, phases, and disciplines. The AutoMoDe approach to automotive software development defines distinct levels of abstraction for integrated development, and defines stepwise transitions between the levels. Along with the definition of suitable abstraction levels, to support modeling of real-time systems, a homogeneous operational model along with domain-specific notations are used. Automated backend functionalities for analysis and synthesis of complex software systems, with the goal of a consistent development process, were devised. The techniques described have been integrated into the tool prototype AutoFocus and have been demonstrated by the construction of a tool chain.

Titel in ÜbersetzungThe AutoMoDe project: Model based development of software intensive systems in the automobile
Seiten (von - bis)45-57
FachzeitschriftComputer Science - Research and Development
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2007


  • AutoMoDe
  • Automotive software engineering
  • Embedded software
  • Synchronous languages


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