Corrigendum to “Aroma-active volatiles and rheological characteristics of the plastic mass during conching of dark chocolate” [Food Res. Int. 162 (Part B) (2022) 112063] (Food Research International (2022) 162(PB), (S0963996922011218), (10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112063))

Yvonne Guckenbiehl, Anna Martin, Eva Ortner, Isabell Rothkopf, Ute Schweiggert-Weisz, Andrea Buettner, Susanne Naumann-Gola

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKommentar/Debatte


The authors regret, to report misleading text passages due to typing errors and would like to correct following parts: When stated in the abstract: “Overall, a lower polarity or boiling point of the aroma-active volatiles was linked to a stronger decrease in concentration during conching.” It should be changed to: “Overall, a higher polarity or lower boiling point of the aroma-active volatiles was linked to a stronger decrease in concentration during conching.” When stated in chapter 3.3.1.: “Considering aroma redistribution processes, this trend supports the hypothesis that aroma migration from nonpolar cocoa butter to more polar phases increases with decreasing polarity of the substances.” It should be changed to: “Considering aroma redistribution processes, this trend supports the hypothesis that aroma migration from nonpolar cocoa butter to more polar phases increases with decreasing LogP of the substances.” When stated in chapter 3.3.1.: “Based on the trend that the most polar substances decrease in concentration most sharply during conching (Table 3), it is conceivable that the investigated volatiles increasingly evaporate from the free cocoa butter into the ambient air with decreasing polarity.” It should be changed to: “Based on the trend that the most polar substances decrease in concentration most sharply during conching (Table 3), it is conceivable that the investigated volatiles increasingly evaporate from the free cocoa butter into the ambient air with increasing polarity.” The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

FachzeitschriftFood Research International
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juni 2023
Extern publiziertJa


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