Correction: The AGC protein kinase UNICORN controls planar growth by attenuating PDK1 in Arabidopsis thaliana (PLOS Genetics, (2019), 15, 2, 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007927)

Sebastian Scholz, Janys Pleßmann, Balaji Enugutti, Regina Hüttl, Katrin Wassmer, Kay Schneitz

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKommentar/Debatte


There are errors in the labelling of panels in Fig 5. Specifically, in panel A, the domain label second from the top should read ‘UCNG165S’ rather than ‘UCN165S’. In panels B and C, labels for lanes 5 and 6 should be swapped, with lane 5 correctly labelled as ‘GST:UCNKD’ and lane 6 as ‘GST:UCNdeltaPIF’. In panels F and G, labels for lanes 6 and 7 should be swapped, with lane 6 correctly labelled as ‘GST:UCNKD’ and lane 7 as ‘GST:UCNdeltaPIF’. In panels B and F, the horizontal bar above +MBP:PDK1.1 and +MBP:PDK1.1KD is missing. In panel F, the rightmost lane should be labelled as ‘MBP:PDK1.1KD’. In panel G, the rightmost lane should be labelled as ‘MBP:PDK1.2KD’. A corrected version is provided below. Additionally, an image is missing from Fig 8D. A corrected version is provided below. (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.)

FachzeitschriftPLoS Genetics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Mai 2019


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