Constrained bilinear systems

Navin Khaneja, Steffen J. Glaser

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKonferenzartikelBegutachtung

3 Zitate (Scopus)


In this paper, we study some model control problems which arise in connection with optimal manipulation of dissipative quantum dynamics. It is shown that the problem of optimal control of quantum mechanical phenomenon in presence of dissipation can be reduced to the study of optimization problems associated with a class of constrained Bilinear control systems. These Bilinear systems ẋ = (A + Σnn uiBi)x are characterized by the fact that the controls can be expressed as polynomial functions of fewer parameters, i.e. ui = gi(v1, v2,..., vk) where gi are polynomials and k < n. A general study of these systems is expected to find immediate applications in coherent control of quantum mechanical phenomenon.

Seiten (von - bis)51-56
FachzeitschriftProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2002
Veranstaltung41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Las Vegas, NV, USA/Vereinigte Staaten
Dauer: 10 Dez. 200213 Dez. 2002


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