Co-Designing Dynamic Mixed Reality Drill Positioning Widgets: A Collaborative Approach with Dentists in a Realistic Setup

Mine Dastan, Michele Fiorentino, Elias D. Walter, Christian Diegritz, Antonio E. Uva, Ulrich Eck, Nassir Navab

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1 Zitat (Scopus)


Mixed Reality (MR) is proven in the literature to support precise spatial dental drill positioning by superimposing 3D widgets. Despite this, the related knowledge about widget's visual design and interactive user feedback is still limited. Therefore, this study is contributed to by co-designed MR drill tool positioning widgets with two expert dentists and three MR experts. The results of co-design are two static widgets (SWs): a simple entry point, a target axis, and two dynamic widgets (DWs), variants of dynamic error visualization with and without a target axis (DWTA and DWEP). We evaluated the co-designed widgets in a virtual reality simulation supported by a realistic setup with a tracked phantom patient, a virtual magnifying loupe, and a dentist's foot pedal. The user study involved 35 dentists with various backgrounds and years of experience. The findings demonstrated significant results; DWs outperform SWs in positional and rotational precision, especially with younger generations and subjects with gaming experiences. The user preference remains for DWs (19) instead of SWs (16). However, findings indicated that the precision positively correlates with the time trade-off. The post-experience questionnaire (NASA-TLX) showed that DWs increase mental and physical demand, effort, and frustration more than SWs. Comparisons between DWEP and DWTA show that the DW's complexity level influences time, physical and mental demands. The DWs are extensible to diverse medical and industrial scenarios that demand precision.

FachzeitschriftIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2024


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