BSM hadronic matrix elements for ε /ε and K → ππ decays in the Dual QCD approach

Jason Aebischer, Andrzej J. Buras, Jean Marc Gérard

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

24 Zitate (Scopus)


We calculate for the first time all four-quark hadronic matrix elements of local operators possibly contributing to K → ππ decays and in particular to the ratio ε/ε beyond the Standard Model (BSM). To this end we use the Dual QCD (DQCD) approach. In addition to 7 new mirror operators obtained from the SM ones by flipping the chirality, we count 13 BSM four-quark operators of a given chirality linearly independent of each other and of the aforesaid 14 operators for which hadronic matrix elements are already known. We present results in two bases for all these operators, one termed DQCD basis useful for the calculation of the hadronic matrix elements in the DQCD approach and the other called SD basis suited to the short distance renormalization group evolution above the 1 GeV scale. We demonstrate that the pattern of long distance evolution (meson evolution) matches the one of short distance evolution (quark-gluon evolution), a property which to our knowledge cannot be presently achieved in any other analytical framework. The highlights of our paper are chirally enhanced matrix elements of tensor-tensor and scalar-scalar BSM operators. They could thereby explain the emerging ε/ε anomaly which is strongly indicated within DQCD with some support from lattice QCD. On the other hand we do not expect the BSM operators to be relevant for the ΔI = 1/2 rule.

FachzeitschriftJournal of High Energy Physics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Feb. 2019


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