Automatically Evaluating the Service Quality of Bicycle Paths Based on Semantic 3D City Models

Christof Beil, Mario Ilic, Andreas Keler, Thomas H. Kolbe

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung

2 Zitate (Scopus)


The growing demand for sustainable mobility has led to an increased focus on the development and improvement of bicycle infrastructure, especially within cities. However, evaluating the quality of existing or planned bicycle paths is a complex task mostly done manually. This paper presents a novel approach for automatically evaluating the service quality of bicycle paths using parameters derived from semantic 3D city and streetspace models compliant with the international OGC standard CityGML version 3.0. These models contain detailed 3D information with lane-level accuracy, including precise outlines of individual surfaces. This allows for accurate and high-resolution evaluations of changing bicycle path widths and slopes, as well as information on adjacent surfaces and local disturbances such as bus stops. Additionally, estimated, measured or simulated bicycle traffic volumes are considered. Based on these parameters a method for calculating the Bicycle Levels of Service (BLOS) described in a national technical regulation is adapted and implemented for a microscopic analysis. Results of this analysis are then transferred back to the original semantic 3D city objects, allowing for the attributive description of BLOS values for bicycle paths. In addition, results are visually represented by coloring corresponding bicycle path segments according to evaluation results and integrating the colored objects within a web-based Cesium visualization of a semantic 3D city model.

TitelRecent Advances in 3D Geoinformation Science - Proceedings of the 18th 3D GeoInfo Conference
Redakteure/-innenThomas H. Kolbe, Andreas Donaubauer, Christof Beil
Herausgeber (Verlag)Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
ISBN (Print)9783031436987
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2024
VeranstaltungInternational 3D GeoInfo Conference, 3DGeoInfo 2023 - Munich, Deutschland
Dauer: 12 Sept. 202314 Sept. 2023


NameLecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
ISSN (Print)1863-2246
ISSN (elektronisch)1863-2351


KonferenzInternational 3D GeoInfo Conference, 3DGeoInfo 2023


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