Author Correction: Nucleus-specific X-ray stain for 3D virtual histology (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (17855), 10.1038/s41598-018-36067-y)

Mark Müller, Melanie A. Kimm, Simone Ferstl, Sebastian Allner, Klaus Achterhold, Julia Herzen, Franz Pfeiffer, Madleen Busse

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKommentar/Debatte


This Article contains errors. In Figure 1A, the final step of the Hematein staining protocol is incorrectly labelled. The correct Figure 1 appears below. Additionally, this Article contains a typographical error in the Results section, under the subheading ‘MicroCT investigations of hematein stained mouse liver tissue’ where, “The tab water wash after staining is crucial for the specific cell nuclei staining result.” should read: “The tap water wash after staining is crucial for the specific cell nuclei staining result.” This Article also contains a typographical error in the Methods section, under the subheading ‘Hematein Staining Protocol’ where, “The soft-tissue sample was washed with 6 ml tab water (washing solution was changed every hour for the first 5 hours) and kept overnight in the washing solution.” should read: “The soft-tissue sample was washed with 6 ml tap water (washing solution was changed every hour for the first 5 hours) and kept overnight in the washing solution.” Lastly, the Article contains an error in Table 1 where the incorrect % Hepatocytes value is given for Sub-cube 8. The correct value should read 27.0. (Figure presented.).

FachzeitschriftScientific Reports
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Dez. 2019


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