Attosecond chronoscopy of the photoemission near a bandgap of a single-element layered dielectric

Dionysios Potamianos, Maximilian Schnitzenbaumer, Christoph Lemell, Pascal Scigalla, Florian Libisch, Eckhard Schock-Schmidtke, Michael Haimerl, Christian Schröder, Martin Schäffer, Johannes T. Küchle, Johann Riemensberger, Karl Eberle, Yang Cui, Ulf Kleineberg, Joachim Burgdörfer, Johannes V. Barth, Peter Feulner, Francesco Allegretti, Reinhard Kienberger

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


We report on the energy dependence of the photoemission time delay from the single-element layered dielectric HOPG (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite). This system offers the unique opportunity to directly observe the Eisenbud-Wigner-Smith (EWS) time delays related to the bulk electronic band structure without being strongly perturbed by ubiquitous effects of transport, screening, and multiple scattering. We find the experimental streaking time shifts to be sensitive to the modulation of the density of states in the high-energy region (E ≈ 100 eV) of the band structure. The present attosecond chronoscopy experiments reveal an energy-dependent increase of the photoemission time delay when the final state energy of the excited electrons lies in the vicinity of the bandgap providing information difficult to access by conventional spectroscopy. Accompanying simulations further corroborate our interpretation.

FachzeitschriftScience Advances
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juni 2024


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