Atrioventricular valve surgery in patients with univentricular heart and two separate atrioventricular valves

Benedikt Mayr, Takuya Osawa, Helena Staehler, Thibault Schaeffer, Christoph Röhlig, Julie Cleuziou, Alfred Hager, Peter Ewert, Jürgen Hörer, Rüdiger Lange, Masamichi Ono

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Objectives: Atrioventricular valve regurgitation in patients with univentricular heart is a well-known risk factor for adverse outcomes and atrioventricular valve repair remains a particular surgical challenge. Methods: We reviewed all surgical atrioventricular valve procedures in patients with univentricular heart and two separate atrioventricular valves who underwent surgical palliation. Endpoints of the study were reoperation-free survival and cumulative incidence of reoperation. Results: Between 1994 and 2021, 202 patients with univentricular heart and two separate atrioventricular valve morphology underwent surgical palliation, with 15.8% (32/202) requiring atrioventricular valve surgery. Primary diagnoses were double inlet left ventricle (n = 14, 43.8%), double outlet right ventricle (n = 7, 21.9%), and congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (n = 7, 21.9%). Median weight at valve surgery was 10.6 kg (interquartile range, 7.9-18.9). Isolated left or right atrioventricular valve surgery was required in nine (28.1%) and 22 patients (68.8%), respectively. Concomitant left and right atrioventricular valve surgery was performed in one patient (3.1%). Closure of the left valve was conducted in four patients (12.5%) and closure of the right valve in three (9.4%). Operative and late mortality were 3.1% and 9.7%, respectively. Reoperation-free survival and cumulative incidence of reoperation at 10 years after surgery were 62.3% (standard error of the mean: 6.9) and 30.9% (standard error of the mean: 9.6), respectively. Conclusions: In patients with univentricular heart and two separate atrioventricular valves, surgical intervention on these valves is required in a minority of patients and is associated with low mortality but high incidence of reoperation.

FachzeitschriftCardiology in the Young
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2024


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